Thursday, November 28, 2019
The Black Panther Party for Self Defense Huey P Essay Example For Students
The Black Panther Party for Self Defense: Huey P Essay . Newton an Bobby Seale8April03History 204In 1964, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was awarded the Nobel Peace Prizefor his nonviolent methods of attempting to attain change for americanBlacks through leadership. Nonviolence had achieved success with the CivilRights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Segregation and thebarriers set up for american Blacks to keep them from voting were seeminglyeasier to overcome than were the issues of inferior public services such asschooling and prejudice. Many american Blacks decided by the middle of the1960s that the civil rights movement as headed by Dr. Martin Luther KingJr. had not altered their lives to the extent of acceptable living. Theyfelt that the focus should be placed more on their equality socially andeconomically than on their equality politically. As a result, americanBlacks began to gravitate towards a more direct form of action to receive amore direct form of change quicker than it had come about through Dr. We will write a custom essay on The Black Panther Party for Self Defense: Huey P specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Martin Luther King Jr.s methods. Black militancy emerged in the middle and late 1960s. Black leaderslike Floyd McKissick. The national director of the Congress of RacialEquality (CORE) and Stokely Carmichael, the elected chairman of theSouthern Christian Leadership Conference (SNLC) were both leaders whopreached the doctrine of Black Power. Black Power was more than just a fad. It was an ideal that appealed to many American Blacks that were tired ofwaiting for the gradual effects of nonviolent practices to occur. Itencouraged american Blacks to build themselves up by establishing powerbases, solidifying Black communities into political blocs. This was anattempt to force improvement of the treatment of american Blacks. Thedoctrine required american Black leaders to unify and lead, in a sense,become directly responsible to their followers. A very important digressionfrom Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.s nonviolent teachings in the Black Powerdoctrine was the calling for american Blacks to meet offensive violencewith defensive violence. They believed that Americans wouldrespectamerican Blacks standing with guns in their hands to defend themselvesrather than kneeling passively as the oppressed. In October of 1966, The Black Panther Party for Self Defense wasfounded in Oakland, California by Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale while theywere both student activists at Merritt Junior College. Under the influenceof Malcolm X, the nationalist struggles in theThirdWorld,andrevolutionaries such as Fidel Castro, and Mao Tse Tong, their major goal infounding The Black Panther Party for Self Defense was to protect theamerican Black community from the treatment by White police actions whichwere deemed brutal. The Black Panther Party for Self Defense differedfrom other groups with its message of revolutionary intercommunalism.This was essentially a socialist way of approaching issues within acommunity, where all shared in the responsibility ofbuildingthecommunity. During the mid 1960s, The Black Panther Party for Self Defense called for american Blacks to take control oftheirhighunemployment, bad housing, police brutality, poor health care, inferiorpublic schooling system and oppressive police forces. During the late1960s, The Black Panther Party for Self Defense replaced the BlackMuslims as the most feared and publicized american Black extremist group. They encouraged the use of weapons for both self defense and for self offense against people that were believed to be oppressing them. While manybelieved that The Black Panther Party for Self Defense instilled inamerican Blacks a sense of pride that was very much needed, the FederalBureau of Investigations (FBI) called them the most dangerous and violenceprone of all extremist groups after FBI chief J. Edgar Hoover assigned aspecial task force to monitor the partys actions after he determined theywere too radical. However, Seale says of The Black Panther Party for Self Defense: People still believe we are what the FBI tried to paint us as: ablack, militant hate group. The Black Panther Party for Self Defense wasa group that favored violent revolution, if necessary, to bring aboutchanges that they deemed mandatory to the equal treatment of americanBlacks. In time, The Black Panther Party for Self Defense dropped theSelf Defense label from its name and became known as simply The B lackPanther Party. The Ten-Point Program was drafted on October 15, 1966 by Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale and formed the foundation of ideology for the BlackPanther Party. It became the list of demands of the party and the goals ofthe struggle to regain their american Black communities and demanded equalrights for the minorities in The United States. The Ten Point Programread as follows: We Want Freedom. We Want Power To Determine The DestinyOf Our Black Community. . We believe that Black people will not be freeuntil we are able to determine our destiny.. We Want Full Employment ForOur People. We believe that the federal government is responsible andobligated to give every man employment or a guaranteed income. We believethat if the White American businessmen will not give full employment, thenthe means of production should be taken from the businessmen and placed inthe community so that the people of the community can organize and employall of its people and give a high standard of living.. We Want An End ToThe Robbery By The Capitalists Of Our Black Community. W e believe that thisracist government has robbed us, and now we are demanding the overdue debtof forty acres and two mules. Forty acres and two mules were promised 100years ago as restitution for slave labor and mass murder of Black people. .ue572d5365a5009075efd203c13184e35 , .ue572d5365a5009075efd203c13184e35 .postImageUrl , .ue572d5365a5009075efd203c13184e35 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ue572d5365a5009075efd203c13184e35 , .ue572d5365a5009075efd203c13184e35:hover , .ue572d5365a5009075efd203c13184e35:visited , .ue572d5365a5009075efd203c13184e35:active { border:0!important; } .ue572d5365a5009075efd203c13184e35 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ue572d5365a5009075efd203c13184e35 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ue572d5365a5009075efd203c13184e35:active , .ue572d5365a5009075efd203c13184e35:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ue572d5365a5009075efd203c13184e35 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ue572d5365a5009075efd203c13184e35 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ue572d5365a5009075efd203c13184e35 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ue572d5365a5009075efd203c13184e35 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue572d5365a5009075efd203c13184e35:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ue572d5365a5009075efd203c13184e35 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ue572d5365a5009075efd203c13184e35 .ue572d5365a5009075efd203c13184e35-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ue572d5365a5009075efd203c13184e35:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The motet EssayWe will accept the payment in currency which will be distributed to ourmany communities. The Germans are now aiding the Jews in Israel for thegenocide of the Jewish people. The Germans murdered six million Jews. TheAmerican racist has taken part in the slaughter of over fifty million Blackpeople; therefore, we feel that this is a modest demand that we make.. WeWant Decent Housing Fit For The Shelter Of Human Beings. We believe that ifthe White Landlords will not give decent housing to our Black community,then the housing and the land should be made into cooperatives so that ourcommunity, with government aid, can build and make decent housing for itspeople.. We Want Education For Our People That Exposes The True Nature OfThis Decadent American Society. We Want Education That Teaches Us Our TrueHistory And Our Role In The Present-Day Society. We believe in aneducational system that will give to our people a knowledge of self. If aman does not have knowledge of himself and his position in society and theworld, then he has little chance to relate to anything else.. We Want AllBlack Men To Be Exempt From Military Service. We believe that Black peopleshould not be forced to fight in the military service to defend a racistgovernment that does not protect us. We will not fight and kill otherpeople of color in the world who, like Black people, are being victimizedby the White racist government of America. We will protect ourselves fromthe force and violence of the racist police and the racist military, bywhatever means necessary.. We Want An Immediate End To Police Brutality AndMurder Of Black People. We believe we can end police brutality in o ur Blackcommunity by organizing Black self-defense groups that are dedicated todefending our Black community from racist police oppression and brutality. The Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States gives a rightto bear arms. We therefore believe that all Black people should armthemselves for self- defense.. We Want Freedom For All Black Men Held InFederal, State, County And City Prisons And Jails. We believe that allBlack people should be released from the many jails and prisons becausethey have not received a fair and impartial trial.. We Want All BlackPeople When Brought To Trial To Be Tried In Court By A Jury Of Their PeerGroup Or People From Their Black Communities, AsDefinedByTheConstitution Of The United States. We believe that the courts should followthe United States Constitution so that Black people will receive fairtrials. The Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution gives a man aright to be tried by his peer group. A peer is a person from a similareconomic, social, religious, geographical, environmental, historical andracial background. To do this the court will be forced to select a juryfrom the Blac k community from which the Black defendant came. We have been,and are being, tried by all-White juries that have no understanding of theaverage reasoning man of the Black community.. We Want Land, Bread,Housing, Education, Clothing, Justice And Peace. When in the course ofhuman events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the politicalbands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among thepowers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws ofnature and natures God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions ofmankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them tothe separation. We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men arecreated equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certainunalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit ofhappiness. That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted amongmen, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that,whenev er any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it isthe right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a newgovernment, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing itspowers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect theirsafety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments longestablished should not be changed for light and transient causes; andaccordingly, all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed tosupper, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishingthe forms to which they are accustomed. But, when a long train of abusesand usurpations, pursuing invariable the same object, evinces a design toreduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty,to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their futuresecurity.The Black Panther Party worked to bring about the grievancesdiscussed in Newton and Seales Ten Point Program. Under the direct ion ofHuey P. Newton and Bobby Seale, every Black Panther Party chapter set upfree breakfast programs for young children. They are presently feedingsomewhere over 5,000 children per week. The food was pressured out ofbusinessmen raking the profits from the ghettoes and from contributions toThe Black Panther Party from residents and friends. Medical clinics werealso set up by every chapter. The clinics were viewed as a necessity inblack communities which are desperately in need of the most elemental care. .ub234ea779d6fb6ca6a1f767f8c384052 , .ub234ea779d6fb6ca6a1f767f8c384052 .postImageUrl , .ub234ea779d6fb6ca6a1f767f8c384052 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ub234ea779d6fb6ca6a1f767f8c384052 , .ub234ea779d6fb6ca6a1f767f8c384052:hover , .ub234ea779d6fb6ca6a1f767f8c384052:visited , .ub234ea779d6fb6ca6a1f767f8c384052:active { border:0!important; } .ub234ea779d6fb6ca6a1f767f8c384052 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ub234ea779d6fb6ca6a1f767f8c384052 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ub234ea779d6fb6ca6a1f767f8c384052:active , .ub234ea779d6fb6ca6a1f767f8c384052:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ub234ea779d6fb6ca6a1f767f8c384052 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ub234ea779d6fb6ca6a1f767f8c384052 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ub234ea779d6fb6ca6a1f767f8c384052 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ub234ea779d6fb6ca6a1f767f8c384052 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ub234ea779d6fb6ca6a1f767f8c384052:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ub234ea779d6fb6ca6a1f767f8c384052 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ub234ea779d6fb6ca6a1f767f8c384052 .ub234ea779d6fb6ca6a1f767f8c384052-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ub234ea779d6fb6ca6a1f767f8c384052:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Elderly Nutrition EssayFor children of all ages, liberation schools, as they were known by TheBlack Panther Party were established to counter-balance theracist,stultifying education that american Black children encountered everyday intheir public schools. Community control of the police was a major issue forThe Black Panther Party and in numerous cities, there was engagement inpetition drives seeking community, local control and decentralization ofthe police force. Free clothing drives were also enacted to distribute oldbut still good clothing to the neediest of american Black families. Armedself defense was a major policy wherein all members were taught the use andnecessi ty of armed self defense, not only of themselves but for the entireamerican Black community Thus, if a family was threatened, or young kid wasbeaten up, The Black Panther Party could be immediately called. A very important practice of The Black Panther Party was the sale anddistribution of the Panther Paper from which most of their revenue wasderived Seventy five thousand papers were distributed and the PantherPaper was viewed as a national American Black community newspaper. TheBlack Panther Party made significant contributions totheartofpropaganda. It was very adept at spreading its message and ideas throughits newspaper The Black Panther mass rallies, speaking tours, slogans,posters, leaflets, cartoons, buttons, symbols (such as the clenched fist),graffiti, political trials, and even funerals. The Black Panther Party alsospread its ideas through very skillful use of the television, radio, andprint media. In all their programs, The Black Panther Party stressed puttingsocialism into practice, meeting peoples real needs, and educating them tothe necessity and possibility of revolution.As a response to themilitancy of The Black Panther Party, the FBI formed a team under thesupervision called COINTELPRO to prevent them from uniting and growing inpower. Black Panther Party local chapters were infiltrated by informantsand their offices were raided on many occasions. The Black Panthers and thepolice force were often involved in many shoot outs against each other. Shoot outs occurred in California, New York and Chicago. On one occasion,Black Panther Party member and Illinois state leader, Fred Hampton and MarkClark were killed by police during a raid, and in 1967, Black Panther Partyfounder and Minister of Defense, Huey Newton was sent to prison formanslaughter after an Oakland shoot out between The Black Panther Partyand the police left an officer dead. A Free Huey movement was born and in1971, a California Court of Appeals reversed his conviction twenty twomonths later. After he was released, he attempted to keep The Black PantherParty from involving themselves in police conflicts and tried to put morefocus on the aforementioned community programs so that there would be anincrease in support for The Black Panther Party. Bobby Seale was accusedof inciting riots during the 1969 Democratic Party National Convention. Heserved four years in prison. Despite The Black Panther Party originally denouncing electoralpolitics, it reversed its standpoint and provided the leadership forseveral voter registration drives in the Oakland and Alameda County areabetween 1972 and 1977. In 1973, Bobby Seale ran for the office of Mayor ofOakland. Although he did not win, he not only received forty -three percentof the vote but he also forced the white Republican incumbent into a runoff. His bid for mayor sparked an increase in voter registration andelectoral involvement by american Blacks nationwide.These drives werevery important factors in the elections of Alameda Countys first blacksupervisor, John George, in 1976, and Oaklands first black mayor, LionelWilson, in 1977. The Black Panther Party experienced a drop in its membership numbersafter the arrests of its founders. Although both Newton and Seale tried tounify the party after their respective releases, their attempts to workcooperatively with political and social reformists resulted in the movementbecoming too diverse. In 1974, Bobby Seale resigned as chairman of TheBlack Panther Party and started an organization called Youth EmpowermentStrategies. The Black Panthers disbanded by the early 1980s and in 1989,Huey Newton was killed by a drug dealer in Oakland, California where theentire movement was born. Works CitedAbron, J. The Legacy of the Black Panther PartyThe Black Scholar. November/December 1986: 33-36. Seale, Bobby. Seize the Time: The Story of the Black Panther Party andHuey P. Newton. Black Classic Press: 1997. Newton, Huey. In Defense of Self Defense. The Black Panther.6 Nov. 1968: 12. Carmichael, Stokely Charles V. Hamilton. Black Power: The Politics ofLiberation in America. Vintage Books: 1992.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Rio Grande Essays
Rio Grande Essays Rio Grande Essay Rio Grande Essay The chief of operations-Henry Dearer- fired a worker who had hacked into co-workers emails. There was a right for Henry to fire the employee but it seems that a consideration of her previous work performance was not included in his decision. There seems to be a lack of flexibility not to mention the hypocrisy about the decision as well. There seems to be many elements that show that there Is a disturbance In the corporate culture. Jasper saw an Importance In how each person respected their fellow workers which suggests that there Is an Involvement culture, though the employee that covertly spied Into anothers emails suggest suspicion In the culture. The act of spying can be seen as being aggressive, which Is one of the traits In a competitive culture. The lack of leadership In the Involvement culture may allow the corporate culture to lean towards the competitive type of culture. The values of integrity and honesty are judgment values and what they mean can change from person to person. They should be reworded so there is no misunderstanding to what is meant. For example, honesty should be changed to l ill always tell the truth. These values were not implemented by the management team and are evident by the way Henry misused the internet resource. There is a lack of transparency (corruption) as the employees know Henry breaks the rules and yet gets away with it but the employee gets fired when she breaks the rules. Management sets the rules but it is seen by employees that they can do and get away with anything. The employees see an inequality and it breeds distrust and resistance especially when working towards the corporate goals. The dishonesty that Dearer displayed has created a conflict of values. The employees see a double standard and this will create distrust, in turn this could increase staff turnover. This will result in highly trained personnel leaving the company, taking with them the expertise that the company relies on. The staff that chooses to remain will have a lower morale and will be disengaged from the company goals and values. In a situation that shows conflicting values, the values that the company wants to exhibit just come first. The company mission statement and vision should represent the values that are wanted. These values should promote positive outcomes for the company. Values that promote weak communication and hidden agendas give rise to chaos as compared to values that promote Indiscrimination and transparency give rise to harmony. ROI Grander By snobbier There seems to be many elements that show that there is a disturbance in the corporate culture. Jasper saw an importance in how each person respected their allow workers which suggests that there is an involvement culture, though the employee that covertly spied into anothers emails suggest suspicion in the culture. The act of spying can be seen as being aggressive, which is one of the traits in a competitive culture. The lack of leadership in the involvement culture may allow the corporate culture to lean towards the competitive type of culture.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Nursing scope of practice Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Nursing scope of practice - Assignment Example First, it will be necessary to collect all the information concerning the procedure, its origin and how it has been used. This will guide the decision as to whether the practice is evidence-based and applicable in our situation (Schluter, Seaton, & Chaboyer, 2011). Next, we will compare the outcomes of the procedure with those of existing alternatives and decide if the new procedure adds to the quality of nursing care. Ideally, any procedure should be in line with the ethical requirements of the profession. Therefore, the investigation should look into how the new procedure aligns with the ethical values of respect to patientsââ¬â¢ rights, non-maleficence, benevolence, fidelity, and others. Further, the investigation should look into how the practice contributes to the body of knowledge of the nursing profession and how the practice is applicable in the current situation. This will lead to a decision whether to introduce a procedure to the hospital. Once a decision is made, it will be necessary to plan for educative forums to discuss the need for change. In these forums, a comparison of the current and the proposed will be done, and advantages of the new over the current brought forward. The process will them move to the last phase which will involve pilot testing the procedure on a single ward and actively comparing the outcome. This will be done by all professional in the hospital and will lead to the ultimate adoption of the procedure. Schluter, J., Seaton, P., & Chaboyer, W. (2011). Understanding nursing scope of practice: A qualitative study. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 48, 1211ââ¬â1222.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Journal Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Journal - Assignment Example All that one needs to have are a computer, good internet connectivity and a microphone. The use of podcasts makes possible to share content via the internet to a large number of mp3 players. I have listened to an audio podcast of lady Antebellum album of ââ¬Å"Own The Nightâ⬠and it is a nice audio album it keeps you really captivated and its very interesting to listen to. Have as well watched Earth breath and it explains how this takes place, and the use of video just fits perfectly for this topic. The difference between podcast for instance broadcast media is that with podcast, there is a variety to listen to and watch, unlike in broadcast radio there is the issues of monotony as the same songs are being repeated over and over again. Another difference is that when one is using podcasts, one does not require waiting till they hear something that they want to here because the user is provided with the option of choosing what exactly to listen to. This is not the case with Broa dcast radio since one listens to what is currently playing and they do not have the option to choose what to listen to, they have to wait till something they are interested in being played. Podcasts are quite easy to create, and most people can create one and use it to share content, music and videos with the world. Podcasts allow for many formats and subjects as the podcasters are not limited by the traditional broadcast formats as well as broadcast regulations. Podcast subjects can range from politics, science, technology, movies, music and many other different subjects. The content in podcasts is very original and new and is created by innovative people who want to share with the world. Podcasts are downloaded automatically into your laptop or computer and synced automatically to your mp3 player. This makes it convenient hence very popular. A podcast aggregator is a software program used when one is subscribing to a podcast and when one wants to receive podcasts. Podcasts keep yo u in control in that you can actually delete a podcast when you want, you can pause it, you can rewind it, you can replay it as much as you like and you can store it wherever you feel like. Once also has the option of listening the podcast on their laptops or personal computers, they can also burn the podcast in compact discs as well as move it to once mp3 player. One can download as many podcasts as they like there is no limitation and it is not limited to specific media players its compatible. Listening to a radio for instance is not interesting as the relevant corporations control what to listen to and at what time. With streaming content, one is tied to their pc, and it has to have good internet connection. The advantage with a podcast is that you can carry it wherever you are going. With the podcasts that I have watched and listened to i have discovered that it is advisable to use videos for giving directions or instructions on how to go about something. The audio podcasts are suited better for communicating important or useful ideas as well as concepts to a personsââ¬â¢ audience. RSS Feeds Ways to add an RSS Feed was that one can type the RSS feed URL in the field provide don their browser then click on the "Add" button. One can also subscribe to the RSS Feed which will enable them to get automatic updates on the information in the sites they are following. RSS refers to
Sunday, November 17, 2019
PsychologyTransacial Adoption Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
PsychologyTransacial Adoption - Essay Example These figures have grown substantially since those days and are likely to increase in the future. Evidently, such major sociological phenomenon could not but attract the attention of scholarly community. Research has covered the issues of ethnocentric bias, adjustment of adopted children, appearance discomfort, but largely focused on the problem of racial and cultural identity formation. The debate revolving around the question of whether White American parents should adopt children of different racial background was fueled by a position paper issued by the National Association of Black Social Workers (NABSW). Simon and Alstein (1977) clearly expressed the negative attitude of the Association toward the problem of transracial adoption labeling the placement of African American children - the most widespread group of children waiting for adoption in the U.S. - with the Caucasian families as 'cultural genocide' (p. 202). The NABSW's attitude toward transracial adoption was brilliantly illustrated by the following statement: " Black children should be placed only with Black familie s for adoption. Black children belong, physically, psychologically and culturally in Black families in order they receive the total sense of themselves and develop a sound protection of their future The socialization process for every child begins at birth. Included in the socialization process is the child's cultural heritage which is an important segment of the total process. This must begin at the earliest moment; otherwise [Black] children will not have the background and knowledge which is necessary to survive in a racist society. This is impossible if the child is placed with White parents in a White environment" (Simon & Alstein, 1977: 50) Although the NABSW position expressed three decades ago was made in a seriously different environment characterized by higher degree of interracial tensions some of the key arguments on which it relied did not become outdated. Thus, several relatively recent studies have demonstrated that African American families are likely to have difficulties preparing their children to succeed in the U.S. society characterized by the residuals of racist attitudes toward representatives of the minorities. Racial messages from the authorities, lower expectations at school, and prejudiced attitude from the low-enforcement officers are often listed among the most essential factors of influence in this regard (Bradley, 1998; Robinson & Ginter, 1999; Tatum, 1997). Presently, the views expressed by the scholars and child support organizations regarding the issue of transracial adoption gradually shift toward a more positive stance. Thus, the North American Council on Adoptable Children (NACAC) that includes more than 400 Canadian and American child advocacy organizations believes that racial background and ethnicity do play an essential role in socialization of a child: a family of the same racial or ethnic background is preferable for a child in terms of developing a set of effective strategies to cope with the racist attitudes still adopted by many American citizens. However, the NACAC also believes that
Friday, November 15, 2019
Resource Planning At Hershey Foods Corporation
Resource Planning At Hershey Foods Corporation Enterprise resource planning (ERP) encompasses virtually every facet of information technology (IT); therefore, its implementation is vital to the overall effectiveness of an organizations IT processes. In 2008, the Hershey Foods Corporation was the focus of a study conducted from 1997-2002 during which time Hersheys attempt to implement ERP was a failure. In 1996, Hersheys moved to modernize its hardware and software from legacy systems to a client/server environment by April 1999. The software module implementation was to be outsourced to three software vendors (SAP, Manugistics, and Siebel); however complications delayed the projected switch to July 1999. To bypass the complications, Hershey chose Big Bang ERP implementation but that choice proved fruitless as retailers experienced problems with order fulfillment, processing and shipping. Hersheys warehouse contained sufficient inventory but retailers still received shipments late. During the third quarter of 1999, Hersheys revenu es dropped by 12%. The purpose of this study is to examine the past failure of Hersheys ERP implementation, while reviewing current information and data to determine the effectiveness of Hersheys efforts since 2002. Studying the circumstances that led to Hersheys ERP implementation failure will aid in illustrating the process of ERP implementation in large organizations with focus on the role management plays in ERP success or failure and how these factors can be avoided in the future. Contents Executive Summary 2 Contents 3 Terms of Reference 4 Literature Review 6 Evaluation of Alternatives 10 Recommendations 13 References 15 Terms of Reference Background In 1894, the Hershey Foods Corporation (Hershey) was founded by Milton Hershey as the Hershey Chocolate Company. Hersheys corporate headquarters is located in Hershey, Pennsylvania. Since its founding, Hershey has grown from a one-product company to a multi-billion dollar corporation with sales exceeding $1.41 billion during the first quarter of 2010 (Wahba 2010). After a tumultuous entry into the twenty-first century, Hershey is finally overcoming some of the obstacles that led to a significant decline in sales. Advertising spending was raised significantly during the first quarter of 2010 with plans to increase advertising spending up to 40% throughout the year. The company was one of many that experienced a decline during the global economic crisis but Hersheys strong leadership and conscious efforts to revamp its image has proven effective in boosting sales. Primary focus during 2010 has been on boosting sales for Hersheys Kisses, Kit at, and Twizzlers brands. Increased advertisi ng is predicted to put these products well above the 25-30% range previously forecast (Wahba 2010). Currently, about 85% of Hersheys sales are generated in the U.S., but it has failed to meet the desired outcome in international markets, putting Hershey behind its major competitor, Nestle. When Nestle began sales in emerging markets its sales rose by more than 10% (Wahba 2010). Problem Hershey has a long history of success and failure, mixed with both effective and poor leadership at the top management level. However, one of the companys most memorable failures is its initial attempt to implement ERP. At present, sales are rising amid a rocky economy but Hershey is still rebounding from the stigma of the failed ERP implementation. Reported sales are lowest among its competitors, indicating Hersheys need for improving its production strategies is of the utmost importance. Effective ERP implementation coupled with a strong top management team is one method of improving productivity and increasing sales -both domestic and abroad. Scope of Study By analyzing the past ERP implementation efforts, this study will illustrate how Hersheys production will benefit from an effective ERP solution. Information reviewed during the course of this study includes, but is not limited to, academic journals, corporate reports, past case studies pertaining to the Hershey Corporation, government resources, and print and online library sources. The information obtained during the course of this study aid in fostering an understanding of the relationship between the information system and the external environment, strategy, business processes, structure and culture, and information technology infrastructure of an organization. The outcome of the references reviewed will provide sufficient data to conduct an evaluation of the potential impact implementing ERP has on Hershey. Following the submission of this report, the reader will understand the importance of implementing ERP as a vital component of an organizations IT system, particularly for He rshey and its expanding needs amid the global marketplace. Literature Review When Hershey began planning to implement an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, the companys top management was unaware of the potential pitfalls it would encounter. ERP systems are management information systems that incorporate and automate many of the practices linked to general operations and production of a company, including manufacturing, logistics, distribution, inventory, shipping, invoicing and accounting. An ERP system is integrated with a relational database system that, when implemented effectively, can improve the efficiency of the organizations business processes. However, the process involves extensive employee training and retraining and the development of modified or new work procedures. Due to the cross-functional and extensive nature of the ERP system, all functional departments must be involved in operations and productions. The benefit of an ERP system for Hershey is the systems effectiveness in improving and automating much of the processes linked to the supply chain while improving timelines for shipments. Hershey opted to implement SAP because of its reputation as a leader among IT solutions in the early 1990s. Hersheys initial attempt to implement SAP spanned over three years and was conducted during the companys peak periods. The implementation process was to be completed over a period of time to allow the company to continue production and sales; however, the complications that Hershey faced hindered its productivity and sales. The impact of such a drastic change during the peak sales period created a major setback resulting in a significant loss in profits and sales (Analyzing n.d.). The company maintained full compliance with the vendor during the implementation process. However, the problem stemmed from timing issues. Hersheys choice to implement the change during its peak period provided detrimental to production and sales and put the overall organization at risk. In retrospect, the companys primary errors were related to the timing of the planned implementation and the implications regarding workloads. Based on the companys sales history, Hersheys top management should have been aware of the risks implementing a major solution would have on the organizations processes. The impact was felt at all levels, particular during periods when confectionary products are in highest demand. The companys order processing systems were impacted the most. Retailers complained that orders were not received, were delayed or that the wrong products were received (Stedman 1999). The relationship between Hershey and its customers were bruised and trust was dwindling. The fiasco opened the door for competitors to step in and take up the slack Hershey left in the marketplace. As a result, Hersheys annual sales plummeted and the competitors annual sales soared. When implementing an ERP solution, the initial planning process is most important. Hersheys top management was aware of peak sales periods; therefore, the authorization to proceed with a drastic organization-wide change was the first error. The initial proposal for implementation should have raised red flags among the companys executives, but the plans moved forward and the result was devastating for the company, its customers and employees. The use of IT should yield results opposite of what was achieved at Hersheys. IT, particularly ERP systems, are designed to create barriers to competition, lower the costs of market entry, shorten timelines, speed cash flow, cut out intermediaries, build bridges, and keep the organization better informed than its competitors (Benson and Standing 2002). Technology, in the context of organizations similar to Hershey, can change production, business processes and organizations, including the potential to change and maximize the potential of social structures and interactions (Benson and Standing 2002). When contemplating IT changes the organizations management must pay close attention to the areas of the business that may be impacted by the change. Despite the belief that success in one area of business usually comes at the cost of another, this does not have to be true (Benson and Standing 2002). Understanding the organizations strengths and weaknesses aids in the planning process. Management will then be able to plan for potential obstacles and implement an alternative before complications put the organization at risk. Under the same premise, Hersheys decision to implement SAP was not the problem, poor management and ineffective planning was the companys major problem. Hersheys error was linked to ineffective restructuring of its business processes and the amendments needed to accommodate the companys production during the ERP implementation period. Furthermore, the company pushed to implement a process in 30 months when the typical implementation process averages about four year s. The rapid implementation attempt disrupted the companys normal functioning and created mass confusion and conflict at both an internal and external level. Since [Hersheys] attention was wholly diverted to ERP, it was not possible to rectify the uncertainties that emerged in the business as a result of ERP (Analyzing n.d.). The companys efforts, although limited, were unbalanced. Hershey found it difficult to focus on both the regular processes of conducting business and the ERP implementation. The result was a reduction in sales, irate customers, conflict among employees, and a growing reputation as a vendor that could not be trusted. The situation was worsened at the end of the 30 month period when Hershey realized the implementation was not effective because the ERP systems were not working in full capacity due to some final touches which were not done (Analyzing n.d.). The optimal solution for ERP implementation is to plan the process around an organizations peak periods. If Hershey had begun the implementation process during slow periods, the outcome would have been different. However, the impact of missing final touches would still be an issue. Again, the fault falls to the companys management team, who is ultimately responsible for ensuring that such major changes begin only when the company is least vulnerable. Implementing during slow market periods gives the company the time needed to make the change, to prepare its departments and respective employees for the change, and emerge stronger than before the change was made. Evaluation of Alternatives ERP is a complex process that requires stringent maneuvering and processing within the organization. Prior to beginning the ERP implementation, Hershey should have put more effort into ensuring the success of the process. Hershey should proceed with the process only after researching and planning to ensure that ample time and efforts needed to achieve successful change was possible. Instead, Hershey chose to proceed during a time when its sales were highest and risks were compounded. Most disturbing is that the company was no stranger to implementing IT processes. In the past, Hershey had implemented a CRM solution, so it should have been aware of the complications that can arise. The company simply chose the wrong time to implement the ERP solution, and timing is everything. In the contemporary business world, particular amid a time of rapidly advancing technology, Hersheys main focus should be on maintaining productivity. However, the use of ERP solutions is a must to meet the growing demands of the consumer. Customers want easy ordering options, fast order processing, and rapid order receipt. The ERP system is designed to improve these functions in businesses but for an effective implementation process that will yield the desired results, the company must carefully choose the time for the implementation process -even if that means dividing the process into stages. By segmenting the implementation process, Hershey would meet its objectives of a streamlined IT process while maintaining productive operations and retain satisfied customers. An ERP system can help increase a businesses efficiency, which increases customer satisfaction. Instead of focusing on independent departments for processing and meeting objectives, the ERP system streamlines the process from production to shipping and beyond. Prior to beginning the ERP implementation Hershey should have met with department heads who, in turn, would explain the upcoming processes including how the implementation process would impact production within the company. From there the employees would be knowledgeable in how to handle issues that could arise (e.g. order fulfillment issues, shipping, et al). Overall, the bottom line is to plan accordingly so that the ERP implementation process can be effectively achieved while the organizations regular processes are not negatively affected. Inadequate training is a common factor in ERP implementation failure. Hershey failed to train its employees on how to handle potential changes that would occur during the implementation process, while also preparing for training for the new system. All the way around, management failed. While pre-implementation research and planning is one alternative to effective implementation, the companys management team should have been more diligent in handling its responsibilities for the organization. Therefore, the company should have taken a closer look at its management team to determine where the error originated. The complications originated at the management level creating a domino effect where the companys individual departments were impacted and the customer was left in the cold. In a customer-driven market it is not the product or service that matters most; instead the greatest value rests in how the customer perceives their overall relationship with the company. It is the value factor. The management team should have been aware of the customers view; then it should have approached the implementation process accordingly to ensure the customers needs were not ignored. In retrospective, Hersheys management team should have known, prior to the ERP implementation, how the company would maintain customer satisfaction during the process. Both internal and external factors should have been better analyzed. Hershey failed to analyze the very components that achieve customer satisfaction. Management should have focused its change in a way that would not jeopardize its relationship with current customers, their use of the companys products, and their impression of Hersheys service. The information obtained during the pre-planning phase is more important than the overa ll projected change since this information is a guiding point for successful ERP implementation. Recommendations When Hershey decided to implement an ERP system, it failed to analyze the companys history of peak sales periods and plan the implementation process around the most productive periods. Instead, the company began implementation during its peak period which resulted in overload among its workforce nd complications within production and shipping that led to a significant loss of sales, a tarnished reputation, and a loss of trust among its customers. The decision to implement an ERP system was a good idea but the timing was wrong. Timing is everything, especially when the risks involve not only the organization and its employees but retaining customers. Furthermore, Hersheys management team failed to consider its supply chain management functions and the outcome was chaos within the internal and external processes associated with production, order fulfillment, and shipping. The onset of pre-planning begins with reviewing the companys current balance (Caruso 2007). When management has a v iew of what it takes to keep the organization productive, then the planning phase can begin. When accurate planning is achieved the risks to the organization are minimized. Studies reveal that one of the most common reasons the implementation of change results in failure is linked to unplanned or under planned phases of implementation. Planning is crucial for effective implementation of an ERP system. However, there is no universal single point of failure linked to unsuccessful ERP implementations. In the case of Hershey, however, the causes are directly linked to efforts that are easily remedied: inadequate training, corporate culture, timeline flexibility, and unrealistic expectations. Hershey has since worked hard to ensure the same mistakes are not repeated. Its current management team is more in tune to the needs of all the organizations stakeholders. Adequate training within Hershey has become paramount to all other functions. The companys management team realizes that inadequate training, particularly at the management level, is a leading cause of organizational failure. Now, the company focuses on how to do business differently, rather than training on new computer software. While training for the ERP system was a focus, it was not the predominant focus. Hershey learned the hard way that change had to be made internally before an ERP solution could be effective in streamlining its internal and external processes. Many ERP projects are bound to fail because employees are not trained to handle the factors that come with change. Timeline flexibility is imperative to success, as well. In its subsequent attempts to streamline operations, Hershey worked to ensure t hat the system was fully tested and ready for implementation to avoid negative consequences similar to those the company experienced in 2002.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Cyber Addicts :: essays papers
Cyber Addicts The Longest River: Denial A hallmark of someone who is engaging in this addiction pattern, but who has not accepted that their behavior is out of their control, is denial. Denial is a psychological defense mechanism that enables a person to continue to engage in a behavior in spite of relatively obvious negative consequences on their life. Itââ¬â¢s a way to protect ourselves from seeing or feeling things that are unpleasant. In the case of the gambling addict, there may be repeated warnings from his or her spouse that they will not tolerate continued spending of household savings, job loss, and constant harassment by creditors. In light of this, the gambling addict will still deny that they have a problem with gambling and will believe that they have complete control over their actions. Denial permits one to distort reality, a very powerful psychological defense; it can have devastating consequences on our life, and the ability to disregard such negative consequences while continuing the behavior is a hallmark of denial. Denial is present, to some extent or another, in all addictions. Itââ¬â¢s necessary, in the development of an addictive process, to experience a sense of denial while the addiction is beginning to take hold. Otherwise we would not continue with the addictive behaviors. Because of denial, the impact of our negative behavior is never fully appreciated until the consequences become so overwhelming that they can no longer be ignored. This is sometimes referred to as "hitting bottom." People may continue their behavior indefinitely, with no recognition of the negative consequences of their actions, in spite of numerous personal disasters. Often an individual will not seek help for a specific problem, unless theyââ¬â¢ve recognized that they are no longer in control of the situation and need help. This usually happens at a point when the negative impact of their addiction has become grossly obvious and their denial is broken. It is a process that cannot be rushed . Each person has to discover their own time frame for how and when to deal with their addiction. This, of course, can be very frustrating for family and friends of the addict, who often notice the problem long before the addict does. Negative consequences of Internet use vary considerably. I have been consulted on Internet cases where employees have been caught using their work computer for personal Internet access (in some cases wasting considerable company time and/or downloading sexually related material onto their computer).
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Indiana Jones the Movie, Analysis of Hinduism
rough copy : indiana jones temple of doom movie review in relation to hinduism. what it got right, wrong and why Dr. Henry ââ¬Å"Indianaâ⬠Jones, is known as a famous character protagonist of his own movie, television, and comic book franchise: known for his love of adventure and signature crack of his whip makes for a good time at the cinema, and does well at the box office. In his first ever on screen full feature movie adventure ââ¬Å"Indiana Jones: The temple of doomâ⬠directed by Steven Spielberg, and produced by George Lucas ââ¬Å"Indieâ⬠travels to the great vastness known as Asia, specifically the nation of India, or whatââ¬â¢s depicted as India anyways.Within the first 10 minutes the vague credibility of the film goes downhill and go for the worst. In most cases to the untrained eye, the story line still looks accurate, but with any, even basic prior knowledge the errors are easily apparent. While many parts of the movie are relatively close to real Hind u life in India, like: the presence of a Thugee Cult, the government in India at which the time in the movie takes place (set in 1935), and the religious and political structure of India. Besides these components most other depictions involving India or Hinduism, provide false facts.In my opinion three of the most significant wrong-doings in the film are: the falsified history of Kali, the inappropriate religious/divine being shrines and temples, and most of all the location of the film that creates the religious basis for the entire movie. The question to be asked in this instance is did the producer, George Lucas make these religious aspect errors by lack of research and investment, or intentionally? The stereotyping of Hinduism in this movie is inaccurate and offensive to Hindu culture. This movie, though action packed and entertaining, has many easily visible faults.The first, which you notice within the first scenes is the false location of the movie. Even though the location i s not directly in violation of Hinduism, and doesnââ¬â¢t affect the ability to create realism within the film, it dies set the bases of all the Hindu practices, and is the cause of most other wrong-doings in the movie. Before the movie even began shooting, it, even though uncommonly known to the public, had the script run by the Indian government (the most Hindu rich nation in the world, and the basis of the movie) and had itââ¬â¢s filming abilities in the country suspended, and ltimately got the producer and film team banned from the country. Therefore the actual filming of the movie took place in Sri Lanka and Brazil. The film was banned on grounds of injustice of the culture, the script depicting all of the Hindu nature as a demon-like paralleled to the Thugee cult, which is greatly untrue. Thus making the location the basis for the injustice of the film. The second most significant error made in the film of my opinion is the story/ history of Kali.Kali, better known as the goddess Parvati, the mother goddess of Hinduism and leader of the shakti energy path and consort of Shiva. One of her many forms is Kali, along with Durga and many others. Kali is the fierce destroyer of evil, and the center item of worship in the Thugee cult. The errors involving Kali include instances like: in the scene after the battle of Indiana Jones and the Thugee cult leader on the destroyed bridge over the chasm, Indie states (right before sending his opponent to his death) ââ¬Å"You can burn with Kali in hellâ⬠.This statement raises two problems; the first being the concept of hell, and Hindu no matter which yoga path, theistic or non-theistic, does not believe in the concept of hell or place of eternal evil damnation, but only in reincarnation and achieving moksha. The second being that if there was a hell or place of evil, the fact that Kali belongs there or that Kali is viewed as ââ¬Å"badâ⬠. Kali is the fierce destroyer of evil, and protector of the good, d eserving great appreciation. (Even if she doesnââ¬â¢t look so good with her mask of ugliness, you shouldnââ¬â¢t judge a book by itââ¬â¢s cover)The last, and one of the most blatantly ridiculous mistakes made within the movie is the false/wrongly used religious and divine shrines and statues. Hinduââ¬â¢s use deity statues and shrines to give thanks or ââ¬Å"pujaâ⬠to the deities. These statues can range from depictions of Shiva to Ganesha or any of the other three million deities. The mistakes made under this category vary, but the most common are the use of statuettes from other religions, fake/ made up gods, or use of statues that are not gods.Examples of this are in the scenes in the Thugee cults ââ¬Å"lairâ⬠or temple, where they actually use Mayan deity sculptures in place of Kali sculptures, most likely to depicted as a more ferocious character. This affects the whole layout of the temple, and the Thugee ceremony no longer has any remote resemblance to t hat of a genuine Thugee ceremony. Thus adding to the horrifying action but tremendous inaccuracy of the movie. And unfortunately this only begins the immense amount of inaccuracies within the film. The extent of the true accuracy in the movie is quite small to what someone would expect.So little is accurate you have to search for factual information, and give pity for the producer, almost like saying ââ¬Å"at least you triedâ⬠, and instead of giving him a gold star he gets a sort of cheesy smiley face sticker that no one really wants as a reward. The three most significant true to life facts, I scraped together from the film are as follows: the basis of the Thugee cult, Indiaââ¬â¢s depicted government at the time (1935), and the religious and political structure in the movie (federal, and municipal).The main type pf Hinduism displayed in the movie was that of a cult in asia from the early 1400ââ¬â¢s to the late 1830ââ¬â¢s called the thugees. This cult was never recogn ized as an actual part of the Hindu religion, and was suppressed by the British government because of malpractice. This cult would practice in secret, in informal places of worship (like one of the cult members homes), the basis of the belief and the practiced ceremonies were to please the goddess embodiment of Parvati named Kali.To show their devotion to her, they would offer human sacrifices as a form of Puja. They would do this by kidnapping random travelers in India (to not raise an suspicion) and would sacrifice them in front of a Kali sculpture by strangulation and suffixation. This practice is what the ceremonial sacrificing in the movie remotely resembles, and most likely where Mr. Lucas got the idea. The next accuracy is the government in the movie, and its true reality to life at the time.This is significant to the religious standings in the movie because in 1935, Britain had claimed India as a colony, and therefore disrupted many of their religious practice and replace th em with their own. This caused tension between the British and Indian governments, and was visible during the dinner scene at Bangkok palace between the British ambassador and the Indian royal regent to the child king. Lastly The municipal and federal government structures, are relatively true to even modern day culture. In majorly religious cultures, like that of India religious hierarchyââ¬â¢s and political governments are combined and intertwined.Meaning many religious figures, like priests and guruââ¬â¢s also hold political power, which truly keeps religious qualities in mind while created laws to benefit people in reality and spiritually. This is scene in the movie in two cases; one, when the child king is also a major component of the thugee ceremony and it vital to its practices, and two, in the town where the children were stolen from the priest and community leader (like a mayor) are equals in the society. Unfortunately this is really all the movie got right, but it d id make for a good action flick, and Harrison Ford was pretty easy on the eyes.Indiana Jones and the temple of doom was an action movie of its time, earning great reviews from everybody everywhere in America. Western culture ate up the story line, the action of the fighting scenes, the compassion for the kidnapped children, and the cute romance between Indie and a strange club singer. Western culture truly have no clue about other religions besides there own. The Hindu culture is nothing like that portrayed in this film, but would anybody enjoy the movie if everyone got along and shared the prasad of the puja like one big happy family?No. Movie goers want to see action, they want to see the weird stuff other people do (even if itââ¬â¢s fake), and they want to see one of their own people defeat the evil doers of others, it brings a sense of pride. I believe Mr Lucas intentionally made these mistakes to play to the viewers needs to make a successful movie. Mr Lucas achieved his goa l but paid the price with realism, and the fact he can never go to India on vacation which would make a really cool holiday.
Friday, November 8, 2019
The Revisionist Western essays
The Revisionist Western essays In the late Sixties and early seventies, there was a revisionist movement in Hollywood. This revision of genres included the western genre. In this essay, I will analyze the differences between the classic Western, and the revisionist westerns. The movies which are considered to be revisionist westerns that I will be reviewing are the following: Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, McCabe and Mrs. Miller, Unforgiven, and Dead Man; Two of which were created during the movement, and three of which were create more recently. In order to analyze these revisionist westerns, we must be able to compare them to the classic western. The classic western has certain attributes which allow them to be classified as a classic western. Of these themes, I will analyze the difference in approach between the classic and revisionist western. These themes include: The classic western was a story of a hero (a white male), who in the end always prevailed over the bad guys. The hero most likely possessed an exceptional ability with a gun, and would use this ability to fight for good, which would most likely be helping the weaker individuals of society defend themselves and their land from the villains or bad guys. The hero is brave, honorable, and valiant. Violence was a large theme in the classic western. Glorified gunfights were present in almost all of the original westerns. It seemed the only way to solve conflict in these movies was to out-shoot the enemy. Gunfights were not exactly realistic and always heroic as the hero always came out on top. Women in the classical westerns were depicted as weak individuals who were second to the men in society. Rarely was a woman a main character in the films, and if she was, she was shown to be weak, holding the man back, trying to tie the man down. Women in the classic western were The resolution to most of the classic westerns was simple and the hero would defeat the ...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Free Essays on Media & Alcohol
THE MEDIAââ¬â¢S DOUBLE STANDARD DONALD SCHOFIELD There are millions of people in our society, especially teenagers, that are exposed to large billboards, humorous television commercials, magazines, and movies all containing some type of alcohol use or advertisement. Yet, there are anti-alcohol and drug programs, such as D.A.R.E. that degrade usage. There is a double standard in American advertising to the point that adolescents are left to decide for themselves if they should consume alcohol, smoke, or use drugs. Suppose you are driving down the expressway. Somewhere along your journey you are bound to see a large billboard advertising some sort of alcoholic beverage. This sort of advertisement will most likely contain some young happy people skiing in the mountains combined with a catchy quote, such as, ââ¬Å"Tap the Rockiesâ⬠. Another place you will notice the use of alcohol is in many movies, nowadays, such as, ââ¬ËAmerican Pie 2ââ¬Ë. Movies such as these display teenagers drinking alcohol and enjoying themselves. It is advertisements and movies such as these that are causing controversy between anti-alcohol campaigners and beer and wine makers. Are these portrayals of alcohol influencing teenagers to drink more? This is a very debatable issue that offers good points on both sides. Ultimately, the question arises: Is the media/advertising portrayal of alcohol a sufficient threat to teen use of alcohol that it should be banned or regulated? ââ¬Å"Undoubtedly, alcohol is the principle drug abuse problem in America todayâ⬠(National Journal, 1998). According to General Barry McCaffery, former President Clintonââ¬â¢s drug czar, the most dominant drug causing violence among American people starts with the abuse of beer and wine coolers by adolescent Americans. It is clear that alcohol is a major problem in America, even more so than drugs. A number of studies have taken place to understand the seriousness of underage drinking. A recent s... Free Essays on Media & Alcohol Free Essays on Media & Alcohol THE MEDIAââ¬â¢S DOUBLE STANDARD DONALD SCHOFIELD There are millions of people in our society, especially teenagers, that are exposed to large billboards, humorous television commercials, magazines, and movies all containing some type of alcohol use or advertisement. Yet, there are anti-alcohol and drug programs, such as D.A.R.E. that degrade usage. There is a double standard in American advertising to the point that adolescents are left to decide for themselves if they should consume alcohol, smoke, or use drugs. Suppose you are driving down the expressway. Somewhere along your journey you are bound to see a large billboard advertising some sort of alcoholic beverage. This sort of advertisement will most likely contain some young happy people skiing in the mountains combined with a catchy quote, such as, ââ¬Å"Tap the Rockiesâ⬠. Another place you will notice the use of alcohol is in many movies, nowadays, such as, ââ¬ËAmerican Pie 2ââ¬Ë. Movies such as these display teenagers drinking alcohol and enjoying themselves. It is advertisements and movies such as these that are causing controversy between anti-alcohol campaigners and beer and wine makers. Are these portrayals of alcohol influencing teenagers to drink more? This is a very debatable issue that offers good points on both sides. Ultimately, the question arises: Is the media/advertising portrayal of alcohol a sufficient threat to teen use of alcohol that it should be banned or regulated? ââ¬Å"Undoubtedly, alcohol is the principle drug abuse problem in America todayâ⬠(National Journal, 1998). According to General Barry McCaffery, former President Clintonââ¬â¢s drug czar, the most dominant drug causing violence among American people starts with the abuse of beer and wine coolers by adolescent Americans. It is clear that alcohol is a major problem in America, even more so than drugs. A number of studies have taken place to understand the seriousness of underage drinking. A recent s...
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Inclusion in Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Inclusion in Education - Essay Example According to the report findingsà dimension to inclusion which goes beyond these narrowly school based considerationsââ¬â¢ and thus ââ¬Ëit is the wider notion of inclusion in societyââ¬â¢. It is a wider notion mainly because special needs in Inclusive education should also be taken care of. Different groups of disabled people have different experiences. A child who is deaf and blind might be better off in a special school situation, rather than the mainstream school. This is because due to this disability, the child would be either uneducated or unable to keep pace with mainstream curriculum. The Salamanca Statement and Framework for Action has discussed some pioneering and fundamental principles of inclusion that has not been discussed previously.à This discussion declares thatà in terms of needs children have a wide diversity of characteristics, difference is normal, ALL children are to accommodated by schools, children with disabilities should attend neighbourhood s chools, it is essential for disabled to be a part of community, proper resources and support should be provided, efficiency and cost effectiveness is a result of inclusion, and inclusion can benefit all children. Salamanca argues that these are some core inclusion concepts.à Inclusive education serves as an exemplar for an inclusive society. In addition, it also benefits students and school personnel. Research shows that in inclusion settings the academic performance of students was found equal or better for the general education students and even for high achievers at times. It promotes the sense of cooperation and the feeling of togetherness in the learner. Furthermore, research show that there has been an improvement in the social skills of low achieving regular students and students with disabilities. It was also observed that inclusion lead to an increase in self-esteem of students related to their abilities and accomplishments. Self-esteem was increased because children with disabilities were taking classes in a regular classroom setting. Studies using quasi-experimental designs showed that the regular students were
Friday, November 1, 2019
The New World through the Eyes of Christopher Columbus Research Paper
The New World through the Eyes of Christopher Columbus - Research Paper Example In the year 1492, when Columbus found the New World, a large number of changes were taking place all over the world. The European nations at the time were undergoing vast changes with respect to imperialism as well as striving to improve their economies in comparison to economies of other lands. This was when the mercantile era began to fully flourish and grow; agricultural production had also begun to slowly reach a high. Thus, developing nations and countries were trying hard to eliminate all kinds of competition from in and around them in order to gain the maximum amount of power and somehow try and rule the world. Thus, this exploration or voyage by Columbus really helped the European nations to triumph over other nations and get a good head start in terms of production and trade. In no time, these nations indeed did take over many other nations in what came to be known as the colonial period established by the Europeans. The modern day Americas and Australia were first referred to as the New World by Columbus during the middle ages; he had neither chanced upon any other person that had traveled to such far-off lands; and nor had he any inkling whatsoever of the same with the help of maps or compasses. This helped to expand the geographical horizon of the planet further. The usage of the words ââ¬Å"New Worldââ¬â¢ is historically very important because the coning of this term helps to divide the time periods of the planet on the basis of geographical discoveries.Ã
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